Akik az iwiwen is rajta vannak: / GSM QWERTY Bla

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Akik az iwiw-en is rajta vannak klub vezetője

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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Akik az iwiw-en is rajta vannak klub közösségi oldalán!

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Akik az iwiw-en is rajta vannak klub vezetője

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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Akik az iwiw-en is rajta vannak klub közösségi oldalán!

Csatlakozz te is közösségünkhöz és máris hozzáférhetsz és hozzászólhatsz a tartalmakhoz, beszélgethetsz a többiekkel, feltölthetsz, fórumozhatsz, blogolhatsz, stb.

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  • Tagok - 12417 fő
  • Képek - 3295 db
  • Videók - 674 db
  • Blogbejegyzések - 963 db
  • Fórumtémák - 189 db
  • Linkek - 206 db


Akik az iwiw-en is rajta vannak klub vezetője

Amennyiben már tag vagy a Networkön, lépj be itt:

Szeretettel köszöntelek a Akik az iwiw-en is rajta vannak klub közösségi oldalán!

Csatlakozz te is közösségünkhöz és máris hozzáférhetsz és hozzászólhatsz a tartalmakhoz, beszélgethetsz a többiekkel, feltölthetsz, fórumozhatsz, blogolhatsz, stb.

Ezt találod a közösségünkben:

  • Tagok - 12417 fő
  • Képek - 3295 db
  • Videók - 674 db
  • Blogbejegyzések - 963 db
  • Fórumtémák - 189 db
  • Linkek - 206 db


Akik az iwiw-en is rajta vannak klub vezetője

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15 éve | [Törölt felhasználó] | 0 hozzászólás

/ GSM QWERTY BlackBerry OS black (Wireless Phone Accessory) I have been using this phone for about a week now. And while this device beats piurvoes bold 9000 in many aspects there is still much to be improved. So let me first say things that I do like about the phone. Of course the greatest improvement was the addition of the trackpad, at first it was kind of unusual to navigate with it but I got accustomed to it very quickly. Second thing is the screen resolution, it was improved from the old bold by 480 360 vs 480 320 pixels. The screen is really crisp and bright and sunlight legibility is very decent. The camera also experienced an improvement and while I was taking pictures outside on a bright day and later comparing them to the piurvoes bold, there is a very noticeable change, pictures look somewhat close to my wife's 10 megapixel canon camera. I was also surprised by the improved quality of the videos this device shoots. Much better and less pixelated than the original bold! Now for the things that I don't like or wished to be improved. Despite of the fact that everyone raves about amazing battery life on this device, I must say I am disappointed. At best, the battery lasts me a day and a half but not two day as many reviewers say. Perhaps I do extensive web browsing and chatting via instant messaging. I usually like to read various blogs and news on opera mini 5 browser and I noticed that this application along with IM+ drains battery like crazy! Of course at least now I don't have to carry a spare battery with me like it was with the piurvoes bold since I am sure this one will last me for the full day. But most often I still have to charge it every night. Which is kind of a disappointment and not what I expected after reading various reviews. Now about the browser: It sucks . It simply sucks so much that any other smartphone's browser will put it to shame. But another annoying problem now that I noticed is that I can't get to mobile version of citibank online at all! No matter how I would reconfigure the browser So it means no banking online for me as I used to do on my piurvoes bold. Very annoying The browser is still slow as hell and only the fact that I have opera on this phone doesn't make it a deal breaker. I must say though that I am running a latest .405 version of the software and perhaps the issue with banking online maybe be fixed in later versions. Which I again, doubt very much. Now another disappointment is the absence of many supported languages. For example there is no Russian support whatsoever. But than again, it may be released in the later versions. I hope so. And now last but not least is the speaker quality. In the first day of use I noticed that the speaker has been downgraded. Instead of the three speakers which piurvoes bold had, this device has only one and when you bring the volume all the way up you can hear a rattling noise. Not a very nice experience Overall I like the device especially it's size, I was skeptical about it as I liked the bold 9000 big screen. But this one seems to be slim and looks more eye appealing. Also I like the battery cover design, you can not accidentally open it and whole device seems sturdy and has a look of a professional tool. Hopefully with next updates there will be support for more languages. But as of now I am giving it only 3 stars.UPDATE:Couple of weeks ago I noticed that phone would randomly delete data, but today was the worst: In the morning I discovered that all my contacts were completely wiped out!!! by itself! And when I tried to restore them from the backup file it would not do that saying that the file is read only. I tried this file in my old curve 8310 and it worked flawlessly. So I suspect that there are serious bugs in the OS 5.0 and AT&T is not coming up with any updates as of yet. In a mean time I am lowering score for this phone because I am very disappointed by the poor implementationUPDATE 2:As five months passed since I got this phone, I must admit I like it much more than I did before. True, I still have some issues with it, but these issues are just too minor comparing to lots of useful features that this device delivers. Previously I wrote that it deleted all my contacts from the phone book, and last week it just happened again but I noticed that it happened after I added an another gmail account to the phone. So after I gooogled a bit I found out that gmail actually will sync your contacts with your gmail account but for some unknown reason remove them from the phone book. So basically all you have to do is to download google sync on your phone and transfer contacts back to the phone book. So I tend to believe that this issue has more to do with google gmail setup rather than the phone itself. Also the issue with the Citibank mobile site have resolved mysteriously, and now I am able to do banking through the native browser (which still sucks by the way in many aspects) I am also looking forward to the release

Címkék: hahota hahota jóga klub humor jópofa képek nevetés vicc vicces



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E-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@network.hu